As opposed to fats and proteins, fiber gets a lot less attention, although it is just as important nutrient as those two.
Fiber can be found in any plant-based foods and you will usually need to eat about 25-35 grams of it daily to get the full benefits of it. According to yourdoctors.online, here is a list of the fiber food alternatives to your health. And there are some of the lesser-known fact about it.
1Fiber is a natural cleanser

For the most part, cleaning is nothing but a myth, designed to scam people out of their money. If you have a healthy diet, there is nothing a self-proclaimed cleanser will do that your kidneys and liver and other organs aren’t already doing, far better and more efficient.
Buying additional mixtures promising to remove toxins from your body is just wasting your money. Fiber helps the process by improving your ability to remove those toxins out of your body. According to Dr Natura, a fiber-rich diet is a great way of having a regular bowel movement, helping your organism get rid itself of all those unwanted materials.
2Fiber may block some calorie absorption

Before you get all excited, no, this doesn’t mean you can live on McDonalds and ice cream and increase your fiber intake and expect not to gain weight.
It doesn’t work like that. The research is still out on this one, but it would seem that fiber can block about 6% of your calorie intake daily, which isn’t much, but in the long run, it can be the difference between staying lean and gaining weight. If nothing else, it can help you squeeze a small cheat meal into your diet.
3Fiber fills you up

If you are struggling to maintain your calorie intake since you always feel hungry, fiber can do wonders for you. Due to the fact that the human body can’t really digest it, fibers tend to take up a lot of space inside your stomach and reduce the feeling of hunger. That is why it is a good idea to eat a salad before every meal since this will keep your stomach fairly full.
4Fiber can help prevent disease

High cholesterol is responsible for a myriad of diseases, like heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Fiber can help you keep it in check by reducing it. A high-fiber diet is crucial for maintaining cholesterol on healthy levels and thus reducing the risk of those diseases.
5Reaching your fiber goal is easy

Since fiber can be found in any plant-based foods, reaching your daily intake goal is fairly easy. All you need to do is get some fruits and vegetables into your diet. Raspberries, pears and apples are some fruits that have very high fiber content.
If you prefer vegetables, you should go for artichokes, peas and broccoli; whole grains are whole-wheat pasta, barley and oatmeal; legumes are lentils and black beans.