Throughout time, people have produced incredible art. It’s amazing what people can do with various mediums, from oils to charcoal, and even, amazingly, the simple pencil. While most of us have pencil sketches that result in something along the lines of what a five-year-old would sneeze out, there are people with other-worldly talent when it comes to putting pencil to paper.
These are the people who can somehow take a regular pencil and a plain sheet of paper and turn in photorealistic pictures of people, places, and other incredible things. These are some of the most incredible, hyper-realistic pencil sketches we’ve ever seen.
13Angelina Jolie
This amazing sketch of Angelina Jolie is so lifelike it just tried to adopt three kids from Africa.
12Mulder and Scully
The likeness of these two X-Files stars is incredible, but we have to ask where all of that wind is coming from.
11This Old Guy
The detail level is amazing here, and puts to shame the stick figure flip books we used to think were so awesome.
10This Awkward Encounter
We take solace knowing that this is just a sketch because if it was real it would have been one of the most uncomfortable scenes we can imagine.
9Not an Ice Bucket Challenge
This isn’t a picture of a charity stunt, but a hyper-realistic sketch done all in pencil.
8Winter Wonderland
Awesome pencil drawings aren’t confined to just portraits, but also include stunning nature shots like this.
7Liv Tyler
6Hobbits Are So Lifelike, Precious
See, Liv? We brought some friends from Middle Earth to keep you company.
5Cats Are Sketches Too
We heard the internet loves cats, and really, what’s better than a fluffy cat? A fluffy cat that’s a drawing so that it can’t scratch you and give you attitude.
4And Here… We… Go…
If they ever do a new animated Batman series, we nominate this artist to take the reins.
3it’ll Make Your Head Hurt
Let’s be honest, thinking about how people pull off these amazing 3D sketches makes our brains explode.
2The Walken Watch
If you’re a Pulp Fiction fan, you’ll agree with us in hoping this artist didn’t sketch where that watch used to be hidden.
13D Art Goes Berserker
There’s sketching your favorite superheroes, and then there’s taking it to insane levels like this.