Junk food will ruin you, but that doesn’t mean it’s all bad: it all comes down to how you use it. If you try hard enough you can find alternative uses for everything, including food. These ten examples are only a small sampling of what you can do with unhealthy food (besides eating it).
If you’re not going to eat it, you might as well get some use out of it. “If Coca-Cola will do that to a garden, do you really want it in your body?”
10Bubble Gum Treats Heartburn

For those suffering from acid reflux, bubble gum can help: chewing a piece or two combats heartburn by bringing fluid to the stomach and sending saliva to the esophagus, neutralizing the burning sensation. Ginger gum also has the bonus of fighting nausea and irritability.
9Dark Chocolate Against Tooth Decay

Clinical studies from 2000 suggest that dark chocolate (and not milk chocolate—that’s important!) can help fight tooth decay, going against conventional wisdom. On top of that, the cocoa extract may be more effective against plaque and cavities than fluoride.
8Coca-Cola Your Compost Pile

If you’ve got a green thumb, give this a try: take a flat bottle or can of Coca-Cola and pour it over your compost pile. The acidic qualities will help break down organic material while the sweetness of the drink will attract micro-organism to speed up the composting process.
7Peanut Shells to Clean Your Floor

Ever been in a restaurant where customers toss peanut shells on the floor? This actually serves a purpose: the oil in the shells help to clean and maintain the floor. Of course, this only works with hardwood floors, so don’t get carried away with it.
6Beer for Better Hair

Flat beer can help revitalize flat hair. Just mix one egg yolk with one cup of lager and massage it into your hair. Let it sit for a few minutes before washing normally.
It takes a few daily washes before it takes effect. Of course, this can be pretty expensive so it’s not practical to do it on the regular.
Over time dirt and fingerprints build up on walls, and while there are loads of chemical solutions to spiff this up, something as simple as white bread can rub away fingerprints. This is because of the bread’s gluten content and texture.
Stepping back outside for a moment, let’s give your greens a good punch in the arm. Adding sugar to your garden will feed microbes that help breakdown soil, making it easier for the plants to get the nutrients they need. One Tbsp. per planting hole is enough to do the trick.
Unhealthy as it may be, mayo can help clean up around your living space. Though it has a few uses we’ll focus on removing adhesives. Apply mayo to the item in question to dissolve the glue. Just let it sit for a few minutes before attempting removal.
Should you not need the sweet, sweet caffeine boost, coffee can be used as a deodorizer in your home. Simply leave out a bowl of unused grounds and let it sit for a day or two. So effective are coffee grounds that they can even eliminate the stale stench of cigarette smoke.
Salt can be used as a cheap alternative to chemical solutions when it comes time to de-stink your sneakers. After removing any insoles (but not the sole itself), dab the entirety of the inside of your shoe with a damp paper towel.
Let it dry, then sprinkle salt to cover the inside and rub it in with the wet paper towel. Let it sit for a few hours, take out the salt, and you’re done.